

Brain Fuck

I don't even know what to say. Just watch.

Kids Say The Darndest Things

Me At The Gym


Fake or real? What do you guys think?

Farts + Dogs =



Mind Blowing Moves


Piano Feet


Idiot Gets Hurt

When all else fails, post videos of people hurting themselves.

Yo Dawg, We Heard You Like Keyboard Cat... we put a keyboard cat, in your keyboard cat video, so he can play you off while your played off.



Another oldie but goodie!

Fat Guy Mosh

Midget Dancing

And here we have a midget dancing to Michael Jackson.

....slow day today.

Yummy Time

I know I'm hungry!



MEGAMEME will be taking a short hiatus starting today. We will be back strong on Tuesday with lots of great videos.

Thanks to all of you who have supported the site so far. It means a lot :)


Top 10 Jackie Chan Fight Scenes

Not really a funny video, but it was too awesome to not post.

Street Fighter IRL

Like I said, I love IRL versions of things :)

Scary Doll is Scary

This friggin thing is going to forever haunt my dreams.

Gangsta Baby

Is this considered child abuse?


U MAD: Office Version

A Dog Humping an Old Lady

If i ever get a dog, it will be trained to hump on command.

IRL PunchOut

I love IRL versions of things. :)

This Kid is a Jerk

What a rude little bastard.


The Rest

Bubb Rubb and Lil Sis

Old School Monday

I decided that today i will post a few more old classics. I hope you guys enjoy them!


Kyosuke Himuro feat. Gerard Way - Safe And Sound

It has been a while since I posted a music video. This one is pretty neat since it features Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance.

George Costanza Tribute

Alvin and the Chipmunks Hit Puberty

Kind of takes the magic away from the show huh?


Michael Jackson

Here is a Cat on a Subwoofer

Slow day today.

Neat Trick

Short and sweet.

GamePro TV

Gaming has come so far.



I love how explicitly they talk about douches in this commercial.

Mario World (Skateboarding Edition)

The title pretty much sums this one up.

Monty Python - Argument Clinic

One of my favorite Monty Python skits.

Crazy Lady is Crazy

I could only imagine what a date with this lady would be like.

Creepy/Awesome Commercial

I remember getting these things in Spain all the time as a kid. Thank god I never saw this commercial back then though!


Simpsons IRL

I have no comment.

Edarem Strike Back

I seriously love this creepy old man. Should I give him a weekly spot on MEGAMEME?

HxC Grandparents HxC


9 Year Old Guitar Superstar

Its mind blowing how awesome this little kid is. The damn guitar is bigger than him!

The Goddess Bunny

Let us start the day with another classic.


House of Cosbys

This should be every episode. I think Cosby threatened to sue which is why this web series was never complete.

Super Sonik!

The mustache makes this 2893028320 times funnier.

The Japanese Doing What They Do Best...

...being silly.


The title says it all.


Cauc Tastes Gewd...

Apparently, this is how you say "12 months" in the Estonian language.


As you have probably noticed, I like to post older youtube hits from time to time. Let me know if you have any other old meme requests.


This is the most important invention of modern times.

Dont F*ck With Pluto!!!!!

This is what happens when you don't feed him his treats!

......god that was a horrible joke.


This is a clip from the movie "Me and You and Everyone We Know". Looks like I know what my next movie rental will be!


Whacked Out Mario Commercial

I'm sure the Japanese are laughing at the Lou Albano version of Mario that we had.

Remember Little Critter?

If you were a fan of this show as a kid then you will surely have a great time bugging out on this video.

Personal Motivator

Wow..... just wow.

Too Many Dicks

If this doesn't convince you to start watching Flight of the Conchords then I don't know what will.

Ryu Vs. Scorpion

If I'm not mistaken, this was originally a flash video that came out a few years ago. Enjoy!


Crazy Robot Legs

Can you say creepy?

Best Of Wickerman

Here is another older video that some of you may have missed.

Play Him Off, Keyboard Cat

My favorite Keyboard Cat video. Just search Keyboard Cat on youtube for more lols.

The Ayds Diet

You hear that everyone? If you want to be healthy and lose some eight, go out there and get some AIDS!

Keyboard Cat - Taking Over The World

Everyone prepare for the Keyboard Cat invasion! Here is the original video that started it all.


This Girl Can ROCK

F*CK! I think I'm in love.

Wolverine IRL

Someone make these for me.

Godzilla Meets Mario

I forgot how awesome the MUGEN engine is. cool to see that its still being put to use.

Jay y Bob el Silencioso Contraatacan

NSFW..... If you work in a Spanish office.


Coolest Kid EVER

Most little kids do in fact suck, but this one is a bad ass.

Michael Emerson Is The Man

Urban Ninja

Skateboarding That Will Blow Your Mind


Indian Thriller

Here is the final video for today's theme.

Which ones were your favorites? Feel free to leave comments :)

Philippine Batman

Ridiculousness at a whole new level.

Turkish Star Wars

This one is great because it splices in clips from the original Star Wars.

Japanese Spiderman

This Spiderman is officially cooler because they have giant robots.

Indian Superman

So for today, I decided to have a theme for my videos. Everything I post today will be foreign versions of American classics. Stay tuned for more lols.